Data Science & Machine Learning Expert

  • First degree in exact sciences (e.g., Computer Science / Statistics / Mathematics) - advanced degrees are an advantage
  • Practical experience in processing and analyzing statistical data
  • Practical experience using various Machine Learning & Deep Learning algorithms
  • Practical experience using various NLP algorithms in Hebrew
  • Strong skills and experience in coding with statistical and visualization software packages in Python, such as: Beautiful Soup, Requests, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, SciKit learn, TensorFlow,  PyTorch, Keras, NLTK, SciPy, Statsmodels, XGBoost, SpaCy, Gensim
  • Experience with working in NoSQL databases, including strong command of SQL
  • Demonstrated experience in Big Data environments (Spark, Hive, etc.) in general and AWS environments in particular, emphasizing the ability to work with unstructured data, large volumes, and in Real Time
  • Familiarity with SparkML
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