
Selenium Course

Selenium is a popular system built on open-source code and is used for development, testing, and automation for WEB/Mobile.

In the world of software testing, we use Web/Mobile-Selenium for testing a web-based system, such as security testing, load testing, compatibility with different languages, compatibility with various browsers, and different operating systems (compatibility), usability, GUI adaptation for Mobile, and accessibility for users with disabilities.

In these tests, we focus on both the client and server sides using WebDriver API. Selenium grid for parallel testing, Appium for Android and IOS testing, application testing, and web testing.

Selenium is a powerful and popular testing tool widely used by many tech companies in the industry.

Learning Selenium is also part of the software testing course, where we also learn about other testing tools - both automated and manual.

Selenium — A Tool for Automated Testing

The most popular tool in the market for automated testing with open-source code, enabling tests on different platforms, in web environments, and receiving support from various browsers. In these tests, the focus is both on the client side and the server side, using WebDriver API and Selenium Grid for parallel testing.

The Selenium product set provides a solution for automated testing with support for major browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) and different programming languages such as Java, Ruby, PHP, #C, Objective C, and more.

The set supports various versions of Windows. The Appium version also supports Linux. Selenium WebDriver emerged as a response to the growing need for stable and reliable testing platforms, working on browsers, and enabling the creation of comprehensive sets of functional tests.

Selenium includes modules that are all free and under an open-source license. As a reminder, Selenium IDE, the first module, was developed in 2004 by Jason Huggins.

Career in Software Testing — Automation Development

Automation testing development is a highly demanded field in the IT industry today, and accordingly, learning Selenium is a crucial part of the toolkit for automation professionals.

The demand for skilled professionals in this field is high and is expected to remain so in the future. Due to the competition in the global market, there is a noticeable need for the rapid and efficient production of quality products. This is precisely where automation tool development and the use of Selenium come into play, streamlining processes in ways not seen before.

The Selenium course is suitable for automation professionals, and equally applicable to programmers and developers. Therefore, this automation tool is an integral part of software testing courses, QA courses, and our expanded curriculum, where we also teach additional automated tools for software testing, as well as manual tools.

Who is the Selenium Learning Course Suitable For?

  • The course is designed for individuals with limited knowledge in software testing who are interested in entering the field.
  • The course serves as a foundation for test tool development courses.
  • It also serves as a preparatory course for those interested in taking the ISTQB international certification exams.

Prerequisites for the Selenium Course:

  • Basic computer skills.

Selenium Course Structure and Scope of Studies:

  • This course is a practical course that includes lectures and hands-on exercises.
  • The duration of the course is approximately 60 academic hours.
  • The course includes:
    • Learning Selenium – Web exercises and solutions
    • Classroom exercises accompanied by explanations, homework assignments, and solutions on the course website
    • Digital course booklet
    • Videos and presentations on the course website
  • The lectures are held once a week in the evenings or mornings.
  • Upon completion of the course, each student will complete a final project that summarizes the acquired knowledge throughout the course.

Selenium Course Content

Introduction to selenium
HTML basics
CSS basics
Locating Elements
WebDriver API
Python unittest
Python Page Object
Appium for Android ios


It is recommended to choose follow-up courses according to the desired training path.

Talk to an Advisor

Benny Cohen

Real Time Group Founder and CEO

  • M.Sc. in Communication Engineering
  • B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Lecturer and Head of the Cyber and Information Security Course at RT-Group, with over 20 years of experience in software/hardware system development, including 6 years in the cybersecurity industry.
  • Specializes in penetration testing and provides training both domestically and internationally. Conducts penetration testing (PT) for security companies as well as leading enterprises in the industry.

Department Head
Come Study with Us
  • Experienced expert instructors
  • Practical courses for gaining hands-on experience
  • Practical project of 145 hours in the Development department
  • Build a portfolio for job interviews
  • Recorded lessons for review
  • Assistance in preparing industry-specific resumes
  • Personal assistance of up to 5 hours per month
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