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Full Stack Course

Full Stack course overview

Designed for those aspiring to bridge the gap between front-end and back-end development, our Full Stack online course prepares you to master the art of building scalable, robust applications using top industry technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and more. This course aims to transform beginners into job-ready full-stack developers. We do that while applying both theoretical training and real-world practice in both front-end and back-end technologies, culminating in the ability to design and deploy fully functional web applications.

Skills You Will Gain Completing Our Full Stack Training Program

  • HTML/CSS Mastery: Craft responsive and visually appealing layouts.
  • JavaScript and Frameworks: Develop dynamic client-side scripts with React.
  • Backend Development: Manage server-side logic and database interactions with Node.js.
  • Version Control: Manage and track your code using Git.
  • Deployment and Operations: Deploy applications to the cloud using services like AWS.

As a Qualified Full Stack Course Graduate, You’ll Be Prepared for Roles Such As:

  • Full Stack Developer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • DevOps Engineer

Industries You’ll Be Able to Work in With Our Online Full Stack Course

  • Technology and Software Development
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare IT
  • E-commerce
  • Startups and Tech Innovations

Oleg Korzon
Head of Web Application Development Department

A senior lecturer and Head of the WEB Development department at Real Time Group.
Oleg possesses extensive and diverse experience in training, project development, and strategic consulting in the field of website and web application development.


Full Stack Curriculum

The Full Stack Course program is made up of a number of courses (modules).‎
We know that each of us arrives with a different background and level of knowledge. In order to tailor the content to best fit your needs, you can choose the track that is most suitable for you:‎
Full Stack Course studies at the college are currently conducted online.‎

Comprehensive Track

This track includes all the courses in the program and is designed to make you an expert in the field.‎

  • Designed for students with little to no experience.
  • Requires 9 to 12 months to complete.‎
  • 560 academic hours.
Standard Track

This track includes only the courses and content specifically designed for the Full Stack Course program.‎

  • Designed for students with prior knowledge in the high-tech industry.
  • Requires 6 to 7 months to complete.
  • 350 academic hours.
Self-Designed Track

This track allows you to select only the specific courses and content that you are interested in and wish to complete.‎

  • Designed for students with experience in the field.
  • Requires 1 to 3 months to complete, depending on the courses chosen by the student.
Server Side
SQL Course 30 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

In this course, you will learn and practice SQL (Structured Query Language) and gain thorough familiarity with MySQL. The goal of the course is to learn how to communicate and perform various operations with the database.

Most software operates with large amounts of data in the background. Nowadays, this data can be stored in different types of databases, like MySQL or Oracle in the backend. During software testing, some of this data needs to be verified, for example, to check if the relevant data is stored correctly in the databases. Therefore, knowledge of database basics and SQL queries is essential.

In the course, we will cover topics such as SQL Formal Definitions, The Relational Model, SQL Key Notes, SQL Properties, SQL User Objective, Data Definition Language, and more.

MongoDB Course 30 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

In this course, you will gain hands-on access to the essential tools needed for effectively utilizing MongoDB. We will delve into its operational aspects, covering installation and navigation, while comprehending its ecosystem. Moreover, we'll explore the creation and management of indexes within the system, all the while drawing insightful comparisons to relational databases, including MySQL.

The groundbreaking document-oriented model of MongoDB Atlas empowers developers to seamlessly store data as JSON-esque objects, mirroring the structures found in the application's codebase. Within the realm of MongoDB Atlas, you're granted the flexibility to harness tools and programming languages that align with your preferences. Take command of your clusters using MongoDB CLI tailored for Atlas, or embrace Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform and Cloudformation for streamlined management.

Python Course 90 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The focus is on Python 3, aiming to provide the knowledge and experience required for programming real-world applications in an object-oriented industry. You will learn how to develop software using Python. You will be taught techniques and appropriate tools to professionally develop high-level Python programs suitable for high-tech companies. This is a very practical course in which we will also be using circuit boards.

Python is currently considered one of the most popular and sought-after programming languages in the IT industry. Its popularity and widespread use in various industry projects make Python one of the most demanded programming courses. The high demand and diverse employment opportunities make Python highly beneficial to specialize in for a rewarding professional career with multiple growth opportunities.

Java Course 60 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

Object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, now a subsidiary of Oracle. It is one of the most widely used programming languages today and is a core component of the Java software platform. The language's syntax is heavily based on the C++ syntax, but it includes many extensions to support modern operating systems, internationalization, security, internet environment, and other additional features.

Java development includes applications such as Android apps, gaming applications, and cloud server interaction. You will learn the fundamentals of the language, Java principles, object creation, functions and methods.

NodeJS Course 60 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

The NodeJS course offers hands-on training in server-side development and web applications. It encompasses an in-depth exploration of theory coupled with practical exercises, encompassing a wide range of knowledge and methodologies. Throughout the course, you will be provided with ample practice until you attain the ability to write effective code.

Web Application Security Course 5 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

Learning specific security features that help prevent website breaches by hackers. With the help of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to use these features to the fullest extent.

Development to Production Transition Training 5 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

In the course, we will practice deploying your internet application to the cloud and operating it as a secure service.

GIT (Version Control) Course 25 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

Git is an open-source version control system that serves as a tool for managing code versions and the software development process. Its primary purpose is to help developers efficiently manage code and track changes in software files.

In this course, you will learn the core features of Git, workflow techniques, and methods to undo changes or maintain multiple project versions. Additionally, you'll discover how to collaborate effectively with other teams and developers. Designed for programmers seeking the best and most suitable way to manage code development versions, the course covers essential workflow principles, core features, version control, collaboration, and more.

Client Side
Web Foundations Course 10 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

This course covers testing for a web-based system, including data security tests, load resilience (e.g., adaptation to various languages, different browsers, and various operating systems), compatibility (user-friendliness, GUI), usability, and accessibility. These tests include both the client-side and server-side.

Linux Admin Course 50 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

In this course, you will learn how to seamlessly operate a Linux system and techniques to maximize your utilization of Linux's capabilities. The curriculum is divided into two sections.

The first part of the course will cover installation, file management, and permissions. By the end of this part, you will be proficient in managing the system seamlessly.

In the second part of the course, you will delve into system configurations, users management, network cards, Linux kernel management, and more.

Linux is an open-source, free operating system known for its relatively high security. It provides software testers and developers with efficiency and freedom of action. The vast majority of software applications, such as servers, applications, databases, or internet services, are deployed on Linux operating systems. Therefore, it is critical for software testers to possess knowledge and experience in Linux. This course equips you precisely with such expertise.

HTML5 Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

Our comprehensive and specialized HTML5 course will equip you with a complete toolkit for crafting web pages. Throughout this course, you will delve into the latest advancements in HTML5, allowing you to master the creation of tags, links, tables, forms, and other essential components crucial for web development.

CSS3 Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

Uncover the art of shaping the visual aesthetics of web pages by harnessing the power of CSS. In this course, you'll discover how to consolidate design directives into a single file, instantly harmonizing changes across an entire website. Gain proficiency in deciphering fundamental css code and hone your ability to spot and rectify errors. As you progress, you will master the art of crafting captivating and responsive web page designs that stand out in the digital landscape.

Bootstrap Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

The Bootstrap course is designed to equip you with the skills and expertise needed to master the Bootstrap framework. Through a structured curriculum, you will delve into the world of responsive web design and front-end development, leveraging Bootstrap's powerful tools and components.

From understanding the fundamentals to implementing advanced features, this course covers a spectrum of topics. You will gain insights into efficiently building modern, visually appealing, and mobile-friendly websites and solidify your understanding of Bootstrap's grid system, responsive utilities, navigation bars, modals, forms, and more.

Whether you're an aspiring web developer or an experienced designer looking to enhance your toolkit, this course empowers you to craft engaging user experiences and elevate your web development capabilities.

JavaScript & jQuery Course 75 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

Our comprehensive JavaScript course starts from foundational concepts and progresses to functions, errors, and data manipulation. You will learn how to enhance and optimize your development workflow by utilizing existing libraries. Additionally, the course covers JQuery, a popular JavaScript library.

JavaScript stands as one of today's most widely-used scripting languages. The name "JavaScript" was chosen for marketing purposes and to signify to developers that it resembles Java, albeit tailored for web programming. Unlike languages that require a compilation process into an intermediate language before execution, JavaScript's interpreter reads and executes code directly, line by line or within specific blocks (such as a function's scope). This process aids in identifying errors and facilitates smoother debugging.

React Course 60 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

Our React course is structured to provide you with a specialized understanding of essential libraries, while also empowering you to wield the power of Redux components and architecture seamlessly.

Tailored for those who are already acquainted with JavaScript, this course serves as your foundational stepping stone into the world of React. Equip yourself with the tools to create sophisticated web applications that harness the full potential of component-based architecture.

Navigate the complexities of state management with Redux, gaining proficiency in optimizing, organizing, and manipulating application states effectively. By dissecting real-world examples you will refine your ability to craft modular, scalable, and maintainable code.

Admission Requirements

  • Basic computer proficiency.
  • Background or experience in high-level programming languages — an advantage.
  • Professional knowledge interview.

Who is the Full Stack Developer course suitable for?‎

  • Aspiring beginner programmers who wish to enter the field of web development.
  • College graduates seeking a professional transition to the world of web programming.
  • Individuals with basic programming background who are looking to enhance their web development skills.
Full Stack Certification

Certifications and Credentials

Students must complete the following to be eligible for the Full Stack certification:

  • Participation in at least 80% of the course hours
  • Submission of a final project / final exam with a score of 70 and above
  • Obligation to submit course assignments, including exercises, homework, and projects

Why Study Full Stack at RTG

private lessons
repeat course
recorded lessons


The Full Stack Course is a comprehensive web development program intended for individuals aspiring to specialize in the dynamic realm of internet and web development.

This course is designed for:

  • Beginners with no prior coding experience in the web domain.
  • Individuals possessing foundational coding skills.
  • Bachelor's degree holders or engineers seeking professional reorientation.
  • Possessing a background and/or experience in programming languages is considered an advantage.

Candidates interested in enrolling in the Full Stack Course are required to undergo a professional knowledge interview and an assessment. This course covers a wide spectrum of web development topics, making it an ideal choice for those committed to excelling in the ever-evolving world of the web.

Throughout the Full-Stack program, participants will conceive and execute projects that not only highlight their coding prowess but also exemplify their creativity across the diverse subjects encompassed within the curriculum.

Currently, classes take place online per the course schedule.

We would be happy to advise, guide, and answer any questions.
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