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Data Analyst Course

Data Analytics Course Overview

Jumpstart your career in data analytics with our Data Analyst online course, designed to develop essential analytical skills for deriving insights from data.

The course aims to equip participants with the foundational data analysis techniques and tools necessary to succeed in roles that demand precision, insight, and strategic data use. This program focuses on statistical analysis, data manipulation, and visualization techniques using industry-standard tools such as Excel, SQL, Python, and Tableau. You’ll learn to interpret complex data sets, create meaningful visualizations, and make data-driven decisions that impact business outcomes.

Skills You Will Gain Completing Our Data Analytics Training Program

  • Proficiency in Excel and SQL for data manipulation and querying.
  • Expertise in Python for data analysis and machine learning applications.
  • Advanced visualization skills using Tableau and other BI tools.
  • Statistical analysis and inference to support decision-making.
  • Practical problem-solving with real-world data sets.

As a Qualified Data Analytics Course Graduate You’ll Be Prepared for Roles Such As:

  • Data Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Data Consultant
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Operations Analyst

Industries You’ll Be Able to Work in With Our Online Data Analytics Course

  • Business and Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Retail and Consumer Goods
  • Technology
  • Government Analytics

Alex Shoihat
Head of Machine Learning

Alex holds a bachelor's degree in Information Systems (B.Sc.) and a master's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Alex is a Machine Learning Engineer at RT. He specializes in the AI field, with over 13 years of experience in project development, management, and transitioning from development to production in various domains such as Linux Embedded.

Alex has experience working with the integration of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in the Computer Vision and Data Analysis field.


Data Analyst Curriculum

The Data Analyst Course program is made up of a number of courses (modules).‎
We know that each of us arrives with a different background and level of knowledge. In order to tailor the content to best fit your needs, you can choose the track that is most suitable for you:‎
Data Analyst Course studies at the college are currently conducted online.‎

Comprehensive Track

This track includes all the courses in the program and is designed to make you an expert in the field.‎

  • Designed for students with little to no experience.
  • Requires 9 to 12 months to complete.‎
  • 310 academic hours.
Standard Track

This track includes only the courses and content specifically designed for the Data Analyst Course program.‎

  • Designed for students with prior knowledge in the high-tech industry.
  • Requires 6 to 7 months to complete.
  • 0 academic hours.
Self-Designed Track

This track allows you to select only the specific courses and content that you are interested in and wish to complete.‎

  • Designed for students with experience in the field.
  • Requires 1 to 3 months to complete, depending on the courses chosen by the student.
Software Programming Courses
Python Course 90 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The focus is on Python 3, aiming to provide the knowledge and experience required for programming real-world applications in an object-oriented industry. You will learn how to develop software using Python. You will be taught techniques and appropriate tools to professionally develop high-level Python programs suitable for high-tech companies. This is a very practical course in which we will also be using circuit boards.

Python is currently considered one of the most popular and sought-after programming languages in the IT industry. Its popularity and widespread use in various industry projects make Python one of the most demanded programming courses. The high demand and diverse employment opportunities make Python highly beneficial to specialize in for a rewarding professional career with multiple growth opportunities.

SQL Course 30 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

In this course, you will learn and practice SQL (Structured Query Language) and gain thorough familiarity with MySQL. The goal of the course is to learn how to communicate and perform various operations with the database.

Most software operates with large amounts of data in the background. Nowadays, this data can be stored in different types of databases, like MySQL or Oracle in the backend. During software testing, some of this data needs to be verified, for example, to check if the relevant data is stored correctly in the databases. Therefore, knowledge of database basics and SQL queries is essential.

In the course, we will cover topics such as SQL Formal Definitions, The Relational Model, SQL Key Notes, SQL Properties, SQL User Objective, Data Definition Language, and more.

AWS Course 35 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The course is designed to help you gain a deep understanding of the architectural principles and services of Amazon Web Services (AWS). You will learn how to design and deploy AWS cloud applications using recommended best practices endorsed by Amazon.

GIT (Version Control) Course 25 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

Git is an open-source version control system that serves as a tool for managing code versions and the software development process. Its primary purpose is to help developers efficiently manage code and track changes in software files.

In this course, you will learn the core features of Git, workflow techniques, and methods to undo changes or maintain multiple project versions. Additionally, you'll discover how to collaborate effectively with other teams and developers. Designed for programmers seeking the best and most suitable way to manage code development versions, the course covers essential workflow principles, core features, version control, collaboration, and more.

Data Analyst Dedicated
Scientific Python Course 30 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The "Scientific Python" course at RTG College is part of an advanced learning program that equips students with the necessary skills for advanced analysis of scientific data. Throughout the course, students develop proficiency in the Python programming language and practice using libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data processing and analysis. The knowledge is conveyed through hands-on projects, allowing students to apply the knowledge and develop solution-focused abilities in a practical environment. At the end of the course, students conduct in-depth analysis and present their findings in a final project. The course provides you with the tools for breakthroughs in the complex world of data analysis.

Data Visualization Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The "General Data Simulation Course" at RTG College offers an in-depth program in data visualization and statistical analysis. The course teaches students about the capabilities of simulation, analysis, and understanding data techniques using tools like R and Python. Throughout the course, students engage in developing a profound comprehension of various data types, statistical topics, and probability. The course emphasizes practical application, where students utilize real-world data for practicing simulation stages, analysis, and presenting findings. Through the course, they learn to identify, understand, and professionally utilize data, efficiently arriving at solutions.

Data Visualization with Tableau Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

RTG College offers a Data Simulation Course with Tableau, focusing on developing efficient skills in presenting and analyzing complex data. The course specializes in training students to utilize the Tableau tool for creating impressive, research-oriented, and business-relevant visualizations. The curriculum includes familiarity with diverse data applications in various fields, as well as an emphasis on personalized visualization capabilities and solving intricate problems using data engineering knowledge. Students acquire the knowledge and tools to derive intelligence from data and support data-driven business decisions through in-depth analysis and clear presentation.

A/B Testing Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The college offers a Testing Course that focuses on training data analysts to conduct thorough and precise data testing. The course covers processes of preparation, planning, and execution of statistical tests and analyses aimed at examining data effects, insights, and decomposition. Students use tools and software like R and Python for advanced data analysis. The course includes practical exercises and projects that immerse students in the reality of data analysis and finding data-driven solutions to diverse problems. This equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills for advanced data processing, understanding analysis results, and facilitating a swift entry into the world of technology.

Data Analysis with Excel Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The Data Analysis with Excel Course at RTG College is a comprehensive learning program that covers fundamentals and tools for advanced data analysis using an in-depth dive into Excel. Throughout the course, students learn how to analyze and track data techniques using functions, dynamic tables, and other powerful tools within Excel. The course focuses on tabular data analysis, calculation procedures, statistical analysis, and presenting results in a clear and straightforward manner.

Data Analysis with Power BI Course 20 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

The Power BI Data Analysis Course is an advanced learning program that equips students to analyze and present complex data using the advanced Power BI tool. Throughout the course, students learn efficient use of Power BI to create impressive visualizations, analytical reports, and more. The learning includes fundamental principles of writing in DAX, a formula language for creating measures and establishing connections between data. Students engage in practical projects that provide them with tools to apply knowledge and derive deep insights from business data. The course develops highly advanced skills in data analysis and presentation across a variety of domains.

Admission Requirements

  • Basic computer skills (operating Windows OS).
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics and statistics (no need to be a mathematician, just the basics).
  • No previous coding experience is required.

Who is the Data Analyst course suitable for?‎

  • Individuals who want to enter the tech industry and have no programming background.
  • Graduates of colleges or universities who wish to specialize in the field of Data Analysis.

Data Analyst Certification

Certifications and Credentials

Students must complete the following to be eligible for Data Analyst certification:

  • Participation in at least 80% of the course hours
  • Submission of a final project / final exam with a score of 70 and above
  • Obligation to submit course assignments, including exercises, homework, and projects

Why Study Data Analysis at RTG

private lessons
repeat course
recorded lessons


The admission requirements for the Artificial Intelligence Development program are as follows:

Professional knowledge interview + examination.
Background and/or experience in development.
Engineers and graduates in the field of sciences — an advantage.
Knowledge and experience with the Linux operating system — an advantage.

The field of data analysis is gaining more and more significance across a wide range of life's domains. As a result, the demand from tech companies for skilled professionals in this field is on the rise. Leading companies in industries such as finance, healthcare, security, autonomous vehicle development, and more are constantly seeking skilled data analysts.

Homework assignments, portfolio development, and knowledge assessments are part of the course structure and are designed to align with industry requirements and provide professionally taught material and relevant knowledge according to the demands of the tech industry.

Currently, all classes in the Data Analyst program take place online.

We would be happy to advise, guide, and answer any questions.
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