Open CV

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) Course

OpenCV, or Open Source Computer Vision Library, is a code library developed for the purpose of image processing and real-time computer vision.

OpenCV is the largest computer vision library in terms of the vast number of functions it encompasses. The library is open source and freely available for use. It was originally created by Intel and has since gained a large community of supporters and developers who continuously improve and release new and enhanced versions. OpenCV provides interfaces for various programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++.

Initially, the primary goal of creating OpenCV was real-time applications for computational efficiency. Since 2011, OpenCV has also offered GPU acceleration for real-time operations. When combined with the NumPy library, the Python programming language can process certain structures, like arrays. Image pattern recognition and feature extraction often require the use of vector and spatial calculations involving these features.

Learning image processing development with a specialization in OpenCV can significantly enhance the toolkit of developers interested in pursuing a career in the forefront of the industry, particularly in the field of Image Processing.

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OpenCV Course Content

Introduction to Image and Video Processing
Signals and Systems
Fourier Transform and Sampling
Motion Estimation
Image Enhancement
Image segmentation
Image and Video Segmentation
Geometric PDEs
Image Recovery
Advanced Operations, Detecting Faces and Features
Talk to an Advisor

Benny Cohen

Real Time Group Founder and CEO

  • M.Sc. in Communication Engineering
  • B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Lecturer and Head of the Cyber and Information Security Course at RT-Group, with over 20 years of experience in software/hardware system development, including 6 years in the cybersecurity industry.
  • Specializes in penetration testing and provides training both domestically and internationally. Conducts penetration testing (PT) for security companies as well as leading enterprises in the industry.

Department Head
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