Bash Scripting Course

Start Date:
academic hours
Final Project
Bash Scripting

Bash Scripting Course

In this course, you will learn how to write scripts — shell scripts — for automation tasks in UNIX systems.

Bash scripts allow you to automate almost any task in UNIX systems. They combine the power of various UNIX utilities with a powerful scripting language.

Bash shells are usually interactive. That means they receive a command from you (via the keyboard) and execute it. The script is a sequence of commands, and this sequence is executed regularly by entering the script name on the command line. Another use of scripts is in the startup and shutdown of UNIX systems.

Who is the Bash Scripting course for?

  • Individuals with a background in UNIX systems.
  • Preparation course for those interested in the LPI international certification exams.
  • Linux studies serve as a foundation for development courses in this operating system.

Bash Scripting Course Prerequisites

  • Basic ability to work with a computer.
  • Familiarity with UNIX systems.

Course Structure

Ch. 1

How to write shell script

Ch. 2

Variables in shell

Ch. 3

Shell Arithmetic

Ch. 4

Using Quotes

Ch. 5

The read Statement

Ch. 6

Wild cards – Filename Shorthand or meta Characters

Ch. 7

More commands on one command line

Ch. 8

Command Line Processing

Ch. 9

Redirection of Standard Input – Output

Ch. 10


Ch. 11


Ch. 12

What is Processes, Why is it required

Ch. 13

Shells (bash) structured Language Constructs

Ch. 14

Decision making in shell script

Ch. 15

if…else…fi, Nested ifs, Multilevel if-then-else

Ch. 16

Loops in Shell Scripts

Ch. 17

The case Statement

Ch. 18

Debugging shell scripts

Ch. 19

Conditional execution

Ch. 20

I/O Redirection and file descriptors Functions in Bash

Head of the department

Meet your instructor

Dmitri Danilov

Head of QA and DevOps Departments

Holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Network manager, and C++ developer. UI/UX user interface developer for Android applications. Has a vast experience working with Jenkins, Git, Docker, K8S, Ansible, and as a Linux admin.

What our graduates say

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