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Embedded Systems Course

Embedded System Course Overview

Are you ready to explore the forefront of technological innovation?
The RT college Embedded System online course is designed to forge industry-leading professionals in this top-dynamic field. In this course, you will learn how to master C and C++ programming, microcontroller architecture, and real-time operating systems (RTOS) - systems that are integral to advanced technologies across the automotive, aerospace, medical devices, and consumer electronics sectors.
Our focus is on practical, hands-on learning, equipping you to design, optimize, and manage embedded systems that meet strict performance and reliability standards.

The Embedded System training program empowers you with the skills to design functional, efficient, and secure embedded systems, preparing you to lead innovations and manage critical technologies in various high-tech industries.

Skills You Will Gain by Completing Our Embedded System Training Program

  • Embedded Software Engineer
  • Real-Time Systems Developer
  • Embedded Systems Architect
  • Firmware Engineer
  • Control Systems Engineer

As a Qualified Real-Time Embedded Course Graduate, You’ll Be Prepared for Roles Such As:

  • Proficiency in programming languages such as C and C++ tailored for embedded systems.
  • Expertise in microcontroller architecture and interfacing.
  • Skills in configuring and managing real-time operating systems (RTOS).
  • Development of real-time algorithms and systems optimization.
  • Comprehensive understanding of system integration and debugging.

Industries You’ll Be Able to Work in With Our Online Embedded System Course

  • Automotive and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Aerospace and Aviation
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Industrial Automation
  • Medical Devices


Benny Cohen
Real Time Group Founder and CEO

  • M.Sc. in Communication Engineering
  • B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Lecturer and Head of the Cyber and Information Security Course at RT-Group, with over 20 years of experience in software/hardware system development, including 6 years in the cybersecurity industry.
  • Specializes in penetration testing and provides training both domestically and internationally. Conducts penetration testing (PT) for security companies as well as leading enterprises in the industry.


Embedded Systems Curriculum

The Embedded Systems Course program is made up of a number of courses (modules).‎
We know that each of us arrives with a different background and level of knowledge. In order to tailor the content to best fit your needs, you can choose the track that is most suitable for you:‎
Embedded Systems Course studies at the college are currently conducted online.‎

Comprehensive Track

This track includes all the courses in the program and is designed to make you an expert in the field.‎

  • Designed for students with little to no experience.
  • Requires 9 to 12 months to complete.‎
  • 310 academic hours.
Standard Track

This track includes only the courses and content specifically designed for the Embedded Systems Course program.‎

  • Designed for students with prior knowledge in the high-tech industry.
  • Requires 6 to 7 months to complete.
  • 180 academic hours.
Self-Designed Track

This track allows you to select only the specific courses and content that you are interested in and wish to complete.‎

  • Designed for students with experience in the field.
  • Requires 1 to 3 months to complete, depending on the courses chosen by the student.
C 90 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

The C language course serves as a comprehensive and practical guide to software development. It provides the knowledge, techniques, and tools necessary to enable professional-level development of complex programs in the C language across various domains in the tech industry.

ARM Course 90 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track ok-standard-icon Standard Track

ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) is a type of architecture used in embedded systems and microprocessors. It is a family of instruction set architectures and processor cores that are designed for efficient and low-power processing in various applications, including embedded systems, mobile devices, microcontrollers, and more.

Throughout this course, participants will cover techniques, development tools, work environment, debugging, typical issues in Embedded Systems development, and their solutions.

C++ Course 90 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

This course will cover Object-Oriented Programming using the C++ language, emphasizing polymorphism, multiple inheritance, exceptions, and multithreading.

Networking Course 40 academic hours ok-full-icon Comprehensive Track

Computer networking at the CCNA level: This course provides extensive knowledge in both theoretical and practical aspects of installation, maintenance, configuration, understanding of routers and switches, operation, network troubleshooting, and familiarity with computer networking protocols at the CCNA level. You will become familiar with the fundamental concepts and devices in networking, aspects and layers of LANs/WANs and the structure and functioning of architectures and protocols used in IP networks.

Admission Requirements

  • Basic computer skills.
  • Some experience in C programming — an advantage, but not necessary.
  • Professional knowledge interview.
Embedded Systems Certification

Certifications and Credentials

Students must complete the following to be eligible for Embedded System certification:

  • Participation in at least 80% of the course hours
  • Submission of a final project / final exam with a score of 70 and above
  • Obligation to submit course assignments, including exercises, homework, and projects

Why Study Embedded Systems at RTG

private lessons
repeat course
recorded lessons


After completing the Embedded Systems program you would be well-equipped to pursue various roles in the technology and engineering industry. Some potential job opportunities include:

1. Embedded Systems Engineer: Designing, developing, and testing software and hardware components of embedded systems, focusing on efficiency, performance, and functionality.
2. Firmware Engineer: Creating software that operates and controls electronic devices or systems, often working closely with hardware engineers to ensure proper integration.
3. IoT (Internet of Things) Developer: Developing applications and solutions for IoT devices, which involves connecting physical devices to the internet and enabling data exchange.
4. Device Driver Developer: Creating software that allows operating systems to interact with hardware devices, ensuring proper communication and functionality.
5. Real-Time Systems Engineer: Developing systems that require real-time responses, such as control systems, robotics, and industrial automation.

These roles span various industries, including automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, healthcare, industrial automation, and more. Your skills in C, C++, ARM embedded systems, and networking will make you a valuable asset in the development of advanced and cutting-edge technologies.

The admission requirements for the Real Time Embedded Linux program are as follows:

1. Basic computer skills.
2. Some experience in C programming — an advantage, but not mandatory.
3. Background and/or experience in programming languages is an advantage.
4. Professional knowledge interview.

Currently, all classes in the Embedded Systems program take place online.

The Embedded Systems Development training program is one of the most practical and comprehensive pathway in the industry. A fundamental and essential requirement is to complete all course tasks, including exams, assignments, portfolio development, and more. This is necessary to accumulate practical experience in development, problem-solving, and to be ready to start your career immediately upon completing your studies.

We would be happy to advise, guide, and answer any questions.
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