MPSoC Course

What is an MPSoC? A Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) is an on-chip system (SoC) that includes multiple microprocessors.

The fact that an MPSoC is a multi-processor implies that software design inherits a significant part of the overall chip design, meaning that hardware and software can be integrated to solve problems. Code that was previously written to meet hardware constraints can now be solved at the hardware level, such as hard timing constraints and power consumption.

MPSoC systems can contain different processors that typically work heterogeneously, as well as the way they interact with memory and communication devices. These systems often require large amounts of memory, which may involve memory embedded outside the system and relying on this memory.

The integration of hardware with software in developing an MPSoC-based product is one of the factors that makes this project interesting and challenging. A significant advantage of these systems is their processing capabilities to support real-time events. This combination presents an exciting opportunity for advanced and real-time processing.

Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC Studies:

  • Methodological design of Zynq Ultrascale+ FPGA.
  • Designing Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC FPGA using VIVADO IPI, SDK, and Petalinux.
  • Creating embedded systems based on APU, RPU, and GPU of Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC.
  • Building subsystems with VIVADO SDK and Petalinux.
  • Creating boot systems and deploying applications.

Why Study at Real Time College?!

  • Our program is comprehensive and up to date.
  • Learn from leading industry experts.
  • All lessons are recorded, allowing convenient review at any time.
  • Our instructional team is available for private lessons every day at no additional cost.
  • Course can be retaken for score improvement at no extra charge.
  • Final project in the Development Division: Real project development in the company's development division, counted as valuable employment experience and a significant advantage for candidates.
  • Placement Department: Assists in writing resumes and preparing for personal job interviews.
  • Our goal is to find you a job, either within our company or with our clients – our graduates are in demand in the industry!

Who is the MPSoC Course Suitable For?

The MPSoC course is suitable for:

  • FPGA engineers developing embedded systems in the environment of Zynq MPSoC.
  • Electrical engineers.
  • Electronics and computer engineers.
  • Computer Science graduates with a BSc.


Previous experience required:

  • Developing systems in C/C++.
  • Development in a Linux environment.

MPSoC Course Description

The MPSoC course covers:

  • Processing in embedded systems.
  • Building applications at the hardware level.
  • FSBL (First Stage Boot Loader).
  • Creating personalized boot systems.
  • Developing FPGA in the environment of Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC.
  • SDK (Software Development Kit).
  • Petalinux.
  • SDSoC (Software Defined System on Chip).

Course Content

General overview of the architecture of Zynq 7000 and Zynq Ultrascale+
General overview of the VIVADO Design Suite
General overview of SDSoC (VITIS)
Basic/Introductory programming with Zynq Ultrascale+
Building a sub-system processing using VIVADO SDK and Petalinux
Petalinux development in the Zynq environment
FreeRTOS development in the MPSoC environment
Machine learning in the MPSoC environment
Implementation of a Deep Learning Processing Unit (DPU) on the ZCU104 board
Talk to an Advisor

Benny Cohen

Embedded Academy Founder and CEO

As a long-time veteran in the technology industry, Benny Cohen combines a deep passion for technology with extensive field experience. With a B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering and an M.Sc. in Communication Engineering, he has spent over 20 years developing software and hardware systems, including the last few years focusing on the cybersecurity industry. In addition to his role as the company founder & CEO, Benny also operates as a hands-on practitioner who specializes in penetration testing and has conducted significant security assessments for leading enterprises and security companies worldwide. His approachable teaching style and real-world expertise make learning both engaging and relevant.

Department Head
Come Study with Us
  • Experienced expert instructors
  • Practical courses for gaining hands-on experience
  • Practical project of 145 hours in the Development department
  • Build a portfolio for job interviews
  • Recorded lessons for review
  • Assistance in preparing industry-specific resumes
  • Personal assistance of up to 5 hours per month
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