Cyber Networking Infrastructure

Computer Networking and Infrastructure Security Course

Cyber Networking Infrastructure refers to the technological and structural foundation necessary for communication between devices, systems, and computer networks in the cyber world. It includes both physical and logical components that facilitate the rapid, secure, and efficient transfer of information and data between various entities within the network.

This infrastructure encompasses numerous components, such as:

  • Hardware: Physical devices like computers, servers, network devices, smartphones, switches, network administrators, and more. Hardware constitutes the physical body through which communication takes place.
  • Software: Encompassing operating systems, applications, protocols, security software, and tools designed to manage and facilitate cyber communication. Software provides the logical layer of the infrastructure.
  • Information Security: Protecting the infrastructure from various network risks, such as breaches, viruses, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, and more. Information security involves safeguarding the data and information transmitted over the network.
  • Physical Infrastructure: Includes cables, switches, routers, measurement tools, synchronization systems, and physical tools required for network establishment.
  • Protocols: Defined rules and guidelines that dictate how communication takes place between devices and different systems within the network. Protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP, and more contribute to efficient and secure communication.
  • Cloud Infrastructure: Cloud services that enable storage, management, and access to technological resources via the internet. Cloud infrastructure allows flexibility and remote access to resources without being solely dependent on physical infrastructure in a specific location.

Cyber Networking Infrastructure provides the necessary technological foundations for multimedia communication, remote operations, cloud storage, advanced communication between devices (IoT), information security, and more. The development of cyber networking infrastructure impacts a wide range of everyday life domains and the business world.


It is recommended to choose follow-up courses according to the desired training path.

Talk to an Advisor

Benny Cohen

Real Time Group Founder and CEO

  • M.Sc. in Communication Engineering
  • B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Lecturer and Head of the Cyber and Information Security Course at RT-Group, with over 20 years of experience in software/hardware system development, including 6 years in the cybersecurity industry.
  • Specializes in penetration testing and provides training both domestically and internationally. Conducts penetration testing (PT) for security companies as well as leading enterprises in the industry.

Department Head
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  • Practical courses for gaining hands-on experience
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  • Personal assistance of up to 5 hours per month
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