Identifying Cyber Security Threats

Cyber Threats Detection & Network Monitoring Course

Definition and implementation of various types of cyber attacks, such as:

  • Data Collection: Gathering data for unauthorized access.
  • Denial-of-Service Attack (DoS): Disrupting a network's availability.
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Overwhelming a network with traffic.
  • Drive-by Attack: Exploiting vulnerabilities when users visit websites.
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MitM): Intercepting communications between parties.
  • Phishing and Spear Phishing Attacks: Deceptive techniques to steal information.
  • Password Attacks: Unauthorized access through weak passwords.
  • SQL Injection Attack: Exploiting security vulnerabilities in SQL databases.
  • And more...

"Identifying Cyber Security Threats to an Organization" course focuses on educating individuals about recognizing and comprehending a variety of threats in the realm of information security that could impact an organization's data, networks, and systems. Participants will gain the skills to develop, identify, and evaluate potential attacks and breaches within an organization's cyber infrastructure.

The course covers a range of topics including:

  • Cyber Threats: Deep understanding of cyber threats, including malware, phishing, hacking, insider threats, Denial of Service (DoS), and more.
  • Attack Vectors: Learning the different ways attackers exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to systems and data.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluating the potential impact and likelihood of unauthorized access to systems and data in an organization.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Methods and tools for identifying weaknesses in an organization's networks, systems, and applications.
  • Event Detection: Understanding techniques and technologies to identify cyber events in real-time.
  • General Awareness and Training: Emphasizing the importance of training employees to identify potential threats such as phishing messages and social engineering attempts.
  • Reporting and Response: Learning how to report and respond to identified threats, including incident response processes and communication strategies.
  • Analysis: Analyzing real-world cyber attack cases to understand techniques, tactics, attacker methods, and lessons learned.

The course equips organizations to tackle cyber threats and provides the ability to identify risks, potential weaknesses, defense strategies, and prevention techniques using the latest information security methods available in the market.


It is recommended to choose follow-up courses according to the desired training path.

Talk to an Advisor

Benny Cohen

Real Time Group Founder and CEO

  • M.Sc. in Communication Engineering
  • B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering
  • Lecturer and Head of the Cyber and Information Security Course at RT-Group, with over 20 years of experience in software/hardware system development, including 6 years in the cybersecurity industry.
  • Specializes in penetration testing and provides training both domestically and internationally. Conducts penetration testing (PT) for security companies as well as leading enterprises in the industry.

Department Head
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  • Experienced expert instructors
  • Practical courses for gaining hands-on experience
  • Practical project of 145 hours in the Development department
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  • Personal assistance of up to 5 hours per month
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