SQL Course

SQL Online Course Overview

Take on one of the most primary and fundamental courses introducing you to the realm of database technology widely used in the tech industry. For those aiming to build a career in professions such as software testing, DevOps, artificial intelligence development, and automation development, it is crucial to have practical knowledge and experience with SQL. In the world of technology, everything is built on information, and every website, application, or software needs functionality to store, retrieve, update, delete, and query data from databases. Today's programmers need to write code that handles enormous amounts of data effectively and accurately, ensuring efficient speed without compromising user experience. SQL is a popular language for this purpose, equipping professionals with essential skills to manage databases proficiently.

Course Key Features

  • Introduction to SQL
  • SQL Syntax and Basic Queries
  • Advanced Data Retrieval
  • Data Manipulation
  • Database Design and Normalization
  • Advanced SQL Features
  • Performance Optimization
  • Practical Applications
  • SQL in Application Development
  • Best Practices and Security
  • Skills You’ll Gain During the SQL Online Course

  • Database Design and Implementation
  • SQL Query Writing**
  • Data Retrieval and Manipulation
  • Advanced Query Techniques
  • Database Normalization
  • Data Aggregation and Grouping
  • Using Subqueries and Joins
  • Stored Procedures and Functions
  • Database Transactions
  • Indexing and Query Optimization
  • Database Security Practices
  • SQL Integration with Programming Languages
  • Real-World Problem Solving with SQL
  • Hands-on Experience with Popular DBMS (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • Understanding and Preventing SQL Injection Attacks
  • Admission requirements

    • No prior background is required
    • Background in QA/graduates of manual QA courses - an advantage

    SQL Certification Strip

    Students must complete the following to be eligible for certification:

    • Participation in at least 80% of the course hours
    • Submission of a final project / final exam with a score of 70 and above
    • Obligation to submit course assignments, including exercises, homework, and projects

    SQL Course Content

    The Relational Model
    SQL Formal Definitions
    SQL Key Notes
    SQL Properties
    SQL User Objective
    SQL Command Categories
    Data Definition Language
    Data Control Language
    Inserting Null Data
    Inserting and Integrity Constraints
    Talk to an Advisor

    Dmitri Danilov

    Head of DHead of QA, Automation, and DevOps Departments

    Holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Network manager, and C++ developer. UI/UX user interface developer for Android applications. Has a vast experience working with Jenkins, Git, Docker, K8S, Ansible, and as a Linux admin.

    Department Head
    Come Study with Us
    • Experienced expert instructors
    • Practical courses for gaining hands-on experience
    • Practical project of 145 hours in the Development department
    • Build a portfolio for job interviews
    • Recorded lessons for review
    • Assistance in preparing industry-specific resumes
    • Personal assistance of up to 5 hours per month
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